Sunday, July 26, 2015

July 23rd At The Fair.

Can I just say thank you all so much for the love on this post (here). You sent messages and comments that made me feel so much better. All of your advice and support was ever so helpful. I didn't want to come off sounding ungrateful or like a complainer. I simply wanted to be honest and divulge my hard times, along with the good. So thank you all for such kind words and thoughtful comments.

With that said, can I just tell you that the last couple of days have been such a breath of air. Baby Maxwell has still been a bit cranky off and on but we are starting to get to know each other better and I have noticed that he does better out and about....just like his Mama ;) When we are home doing, not much, he tends to be fussier. When we are outside or driving, he seems more content. This is good news to me. On Thursday I tuned 31. I decided I wanted to go to the County Fair despite knowing if Bubs would be crying the whole time or not. I just needed to get out of the house! So after a busy day of getting our rental home situated with new tenants, I came home and got the 3 of us ready so that when Ty got home, we could go to the Fair.

We had so much fun! We watched Pig Races, which Scarlett didn't quite know what to think of. We met every single horse in the barn. Scarlett was in her glory. (I'm pretty sure she will own her own horse at some point in life) We ate so many disgustingly delicious foods from Chocolate Covered Fried Dough, Bloomin' Onions, Fresh Squeezed Lemonade, to Candied Apples and Chocolate covered Cheesecake on a stick....can you tell I'm a chocoholic? Maxwell slept the entire time besides a quick wake to eat during the pig races. Scarlett rode on all of the Kiddie Rides. A smile never left her face. Funny how being a mother, the things that make you happy are seeing your children happy.

Best Birthday.

Watching Scarlett's face as she rode the swings and seeing my little Max's chubby belly go up and down as he slept in his stroller. I loved it all. We stayed until 10:30 pm! That's late for me now days. I used to not go to bed until 11 or 12….Not anymore. I go to sleep when Maxwell does so this was a rare but fun late night. We drove home with two sleeping babes in the back seat. After getting them all settled, I cuddled up with my handsome husband and everything seemed just right. I laid there thinking about all of the stressful days that I had over the last 2 or 3 weeks and they all seemed so unimportant. So far away. It was what I needed to give me that little bit of encouragement. I am so very blessed. I think about that every. single. day. No matter if it's a good day or a bad day, I think of how lucky I am. Right now, I'm thankful for turning 31 and this family. I'm thankful for amazing days like this one was.

It was happy birthday indeed. And now onto the weekend celebrations!

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