Monday, July 16, 2018

Weekend Vibes: We Party Hard.

Evenings in my 20's and evenings in my 30's haven't been that different. While we are still partying hard tonight, it may be a little bit different. Maxwell's hitting up the good ole' nebulizer like it's his job and I'm chugging back some Kombucha like whoa. We pulled an all nighter last night and I think we're about to see if we can do it again. I got my hair puked on last weekend while I was sleeping. Then I got to hold a pail for someone and make sure he didn't puke in his sleep. See? Life isn't really that different from those mighty fine party days. lol.

Maxwell was sick all night. And it was him puking on me last weekend. Sigh. I swear this kid has been sick every other weekend all summer! I just don't get it. During the winter, we were hardly sick at all and then summer came and he's gotten just about everything from strange rashes and viruses to the stomach bug and now another chest cold. Can someone from TX please tell me if this is the norm for so many summer bugs?! Because it is not back east.

Ty and I took turns sitting up with a wired child all night. For those of you who don't have a child with breathing issues or sickness related asthma, albuterol will turn your good natured child into a cranky and hyper beast! But that beats watching your child struggling to breathe so 3 hours of sleep last night was gonna have to be enough.
Made me think about when my children were newborns. I had the worst sleeping babies EVER! Maxwell wasn't as bad as Scarlett but neither of them slept for more than 2 -3 hours at a time for the first 5 months. It was brutal and partially the reason why I think I'm done with kids. I am not a fun person when I don't get sleep. So I was a real JOY this morning when I woke up at 3am and didn't get to go back to sleep.

It's thrown off my Monday in big ways. I prepped and anticipated on starting the new Summer Tone Up challenge. I wrote down all of my BIG goals and had my meals, workouts and water ready to go! But after working a 9-hour day while taking care of a sick boy, on little sleep.....let's just say that I didn't get much else done. I'm feeling run down and hoping I'm not getting whatever sickness this kid has coughed all over me! So I'm throwing back some Kombucha, vitamins and lots of water in hopes to bypass all that. So it's a night of rest and relaxation so that I can get on top of it tomorrow. Kinda bummed that I didn't start out my Monday as planned but I know I'll be back at it tomorrow. That's how I roll.

Here's what weekends have been looking like around here lately. Lots of little bar/lunch spots that have playgrounds. We love to relax and chat over a drink while the kids make new friends and play. Often we find people to chat with and Lord knows my extrovert soul needs some of that!! ha ha. There's also been a lot of food shopping. So exciting, I know. But we gotta get those meals planned! And lots of acai and smoothie bowls because they are MY FAV and Ty just automatically brings me to these places randomly. He knows I will eat them whenever/wherever. And then we've explored San Antonio a bit. We have been here over 6 months and still haven't seen 1/2 of this city. We've had a few low key weekend which has been nice since we are usually always on the go.

Here's to Monday and hoping that Tuesday doesn't remind me of my old party days as much as Monday did ;) xoxo

And because 5 people asked, the song playing on my Instagram stories is at the bottom....It's a new favorite of mine. 

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