Friday, September 22, 2017

RailBiking in the Adirondacks

If this wasn't one of the coolest things we did this year, I don't know what was! I stumbled upon this online and thought, 'We have to do this!' It's new to the Adirondacks but I know that they have rail biking in other locations around the country. Because this is so new to this area this year, it was pretty hard to get a reservation. I got lucky by finding a Sunday morning spot open for a quad bike. The Rev Rail had 2 options, dual bikes or quad bikes. I was thrilled to find out that ALL ages can go.

We all met at the Revolution Rail Co. and they bussed us to the location where we would begin. They had a 5 point harness for Maxwell and strapped him in snuggly in the front and Scarlett was able to help us bike and just use a seatbelt. We sat behind them. We had so much fun! That morning was chilly already and as we made our way to the train station, it got even chillier. So we bundled up! But by the time we got to the half way point of the trail, we were stripping off our layers and sticking them in the storage basket that they so conveniently and wisely added to the bikes. It was a total of 4 miles. It was a slight incline on the way there and on the way back, it was downhill coasting for us. Which was fun for the kids especially. When we got half way, they let us all off to sit and have a snack at the picnic tables alongside the river and stretch our legs. After about 15 min or so, they had moved all of the rail bikes around and we were ready to start our way back! The views over the bridge were the best! So breathtaking and I can only imagine that foliage season would be even more amazing!

When we got back, we drove into Lake George and grabbed some lunch and tasted some beers at Adirondack Brewery. Then we took a walk across the street and let the kids play at the park for a bit. We ended our fun day by the water, watching the Minne Ha Ha take off and waving to the people as they sailed away. The kids looked through the viewing scopes and giggled at the smiley faced parasail. This was such a fun experience and we loved that we got to bring the kids along with us. I definitely recommend trying this out if you are ever in the area! I added some video from my Instagram at the end so you can get a feel of this really cool adventure.

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