Sunday, May 1, 2016

These Are the Days of Our Lives.

It's been awhile since I've had a hearty post here on this blog.

I figured it's overdue. So here I am. Life lately has been a little nerve-racking. The line of work that Ty is in tends to sometimes get the best of me. There is always a potential for travel and although I am one for an adventure, often I dread thinking about starting over somewhere new again. I know I should be more open. Thankfully the last few days have given us some clarity and assurance that we will be here for awhile longer. Thank God. I just started to dive into Real Estate and I'm really enjoying it. I'm not sure if I watched too many episodes of Fixer Upper or what but my next project is headed in that direction. I'm really excited about this career that I chose. (Insert overly-happy face) It has opened many doors for me. And allowed me to spend time with my little loves at the same time.

The last month or so has really given me perspective on life. I'd been down in the doldrums about a few things and nothing seemed to be...right. Maybe it was that last stretch of winter that always gives me a bought of horrible anxiety or just a random "down" period in life. But whatever the case, I'd seen better days. The past week or so, everything has kind of come together. And in doing so, I've started to appreciate everything just a little bit more. My kids are little. We are healthy and even though we have times where things seem to be overwhelming, life is good. I love our beautiful home. My husband is and always has been amazing. He's loving and solid and the kind of human that I definitely want to spend forever with. The other day after meeting up with some friends in the park for a picnic, we came home and just sat outside. I poured a glass of wine while the kids got dirty playing. The birds were chirping and the sun beamed down on my pale Scandinavian skin.  I planned a few details for Scarlett's 5th birthday party coming up in a week. Ty text me a little love text that made me smile. I put some music on to enjoy as we soaked up some rays. Everything seemed....well, perfect. And when those times in life come, I grab hold of them. I soak them in and know that some day, when I am old and gray, these moments....they will be what makes me smile. Many times Ty and I lay down at night after a long day and let out the same exhausted exhale. And we always talk about how things are very busy and sometimes hectic. We acknowledge that some day we will miss these days. I feel happy to know that Ty shares that same outlook with me. We sure do love this chapter of ours.

Of course, then Maxwell started crying and I looked my dirt covered children up and down knowing bath time was in the near future. Dinner had to be made and the house is looking more like a construction zone than a house. (I'm doing a little kitchen painting). But all of this...all of these things that may seem to be a burden or inconvenient...they are the best moments of my life! The things that those less fortunate dream of. And the old reminisce on.

I have always been a fan of stories that the old folks tell. Grandparents or even strangers. Last week at the wine store, a chatted with an old women in the car parked next to mine for about 25 minutes. She admired Maxwell's chubby figure and then our talk turned to her memories. To hear of a world through their eyes is powerful. Most of the stories I've been told from them are something right out of a movie. And this makes me smile. They hold onto the memories for dear life because they are all that remain from a life well lived. I envision the stories they tell as if a reel was spitting out their memories. Often times, parts of their stories are not always happy or ideal. Life was different back then. But they are always treasured thoughts. You can tell by the way they tell them with such intent. I think of these things as I live. Each little moment that seems to pass by slowly or sometimes too quickly...I think about those old stories coming out of the mouth of wrinkled lips.

At the end of the day when I lay down and think of the greatness that unfolded in the past 24 hours, whether it was a glorious day of sun, dirty diapers, a few tantrums, lots of love or a bunch of hectic moments, I know that I lived every last bit of it. I am no fool. I know that these are some of the best days of my life....


  1. Very much thanks again and best of luck!

  2. It is just what I was looking for and quite thorough as well. Thanks for posting this.


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