Well...Valentine's Day this year was busy and relaxing all in one.
If that makes sense. Ty had to work so Scarlett and I slept in and woke up to light peaking in through the windows. The day before, I picked up a sick Scarlett from preschool. The stomach bug is going around and I was sure that we'd be home sick for the next couple of days. Thankfully, Scarlett was feeling better on Saturday and I asked her what she wanted for breakfast. "Heart Pancakes." was her answer. I think it's become a tradition. Last year we made the same. I whipped up some organic heart-shaped pancakes while the snow piled up a little bit higher outside. At this point, I have no idea how much snow we have. Scarlett kept busy with all her Valentines that the kids from Preschool exchanged. I didn't get Scarlett any gifts for Valentine's Day this year. With each holiday, I feel like gifts just become expected and less appreciated. So this year, I told Scarlett,
"Today is Valentine's Day. I love you, so what would you like to do together today?" I said this in hopes that she would understand that spending time with her was more important than giving her gifts. Her reply....
"I want you to cuddle me, Mama."
Melt. Of course I did. We watched a movie and played for a bit. She spent a good hour in a bath and then, half-way through the day this little love asked if we could go get ice cream. She had gotten a free ice cream cone ticket from a Valentine at Preschool and wanted to use it. I agreed that we would go as soon as Daddy got out of work. And that is what we did. We braved the snow and went out for some ice cream. After, we stopped to look in the toy store and Daddy bought Scarlett a wooden horse that she had been eyeing for quite awhile. She rode that horse to the SUV, held it tight all the way home and even slept with it. She kept thanking Ty for her horse on a stick. Love her. I guess she did get a gift after all but she sure appreciated it knowing it wasn't guaranteed.
Later in the evening, I got ready for our date night. Ty had made reservations for us and wanted to surprise me with where we were going. You all know I love a surprise. I have a hard time justifying buying maternity clothes this pregnancy. It just seems silly since I will only be wearing them for the next 3 months or so. I've bought a lot of flowy things that I figure I can wear after baby and a few maternity pieces, but no date night dresses. I didn't really have much that fit besides a little black dress that looked as though it promised to stretch. Scarlett made me laugh when she asked, "Mama, are you going to squeeze into that dress?" Indeed I did. It worked.
Ty brought me to Boca Bistro, which is one of my all time favorite restaurants in Saratoga Springs. I love the tapas and inviting authentic Spanish setting. It's one of those quaint but fancy places that forces you to sit a bit closer and in turn, makes you feel a little closer to who you are dining with. It was a nice dinner and we had a good time. I got a scrumptious Kale Salad and some Squash Quinoa Cakes (which is my favorite). Ty ordered Calamari and a Beef Tenderloin fillet. We finished our meals off with coffee and I just about rolled out of that place.
Happy Weekend All!! Hope you enjoy the photos.

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