Saturday, September 8, 2018

Scarlett & Maxwell Take 7: Back to School

Scarlett is 7 and just started the 2nd grade. Maxwell is 3 and just started his first day of 3 year old pre-k. These kids bring me so much joy and drive me crazy all at the same time. Haha. But I wouldn't trade them for the world! We have so much fun traveling places and exploring new things with them. These two are at such fun ages. Watching them discover and learn and play is such a blessing.

Scarlett: Age 7

Loves: Horseback riding & lessons (still), crepes with applesauce and chocolate syrup, comfortable clothes, any movie with animals in them, carrots & cukes, playing with Cubby, playing school with her brother, American Girls and reading.

Dislikes: Jeans or wearing any clothing that is "scratchy", sweets like cake, cupcakes or donuts.

Currently: Has made new friends in school, has zero front teeth and still losing them! Getting so good at horse riding. She can not canter and is practicing for shows. Mimics everything she is intrigued by and it reminds me so much of myself when I was young. My girl is so stylish. She has a great sense of natural style.

Says: "When I get older I'm going to have 10 boys and 10 girls and live at home with you so you can help me take care of them".
"Don't buy too much stuff Mama, we are saving for a barn and a farm, ok?"

Maxwell: Age 3

Loves: Waffles & Pancakes, Building with his Legos, Paw Patrol & Batman, Swimming, riding his scooter, Donuts, sleeping in our bed or his sister's room. Listening to Benny Goodman on the way to school.

Dislikes: Going to bed on time (a night owl like me), meat (he's a natural vegetarian)

Currently: Potty Training, he's the sweetest boy who cuddles me every night, becoming very independent. He is a very simple boy. He doesn't need a lot of toys or things, he is content with just a few things. I love this about him.

Says: Thinks "Fig Newton" is "Big Newton", "I need a wittle bit of help" or "I need a lotta bit of help".
He tells me he doesn't feel good at bedtime so he can come snuggle with me on the couch. When I ask him if he was lying he replies, "Uh huh" and giggles as he cuddles up next to me.

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