Monday, February 20, 2017

Pieces of Life: That Never Ending Winter of 2017

New Year's was a low key night. So I found these sparkly joggers that worked perfectly.
Snowshoeing with Daddy. Winter seems never ending in February. 
Maxwell in his new Daycare that he loves. If this isn't the cutest picture...
Scarlett's face is lovely in this picture, I know. But Maxwell's cheese was too good not to post.
We pretty much live at the grocery store lately. My least favorite place in the world. 
Scarlett and I went on a date day for lunch and then to watch The Wizard of Oz play. It's not often that we get to do things one on one so it was nice to spend a little time with my sassy 5 year old. 
Yes she has a gardening shovel and he has a pink baseball bat....idk.
This particular day was a sick day for Scarlett and Maxwell. But they still managed to smile for a picture. 
"Hey Girl...."
Basketball with Daddy in their Pats jerseys. 
With the cold weather, there has been a lot of days inside like this. A lot of ripping apart the playroom and then putting it back together again. 
And I've been working out as much as I can this winter. Takes my mind off of a lot of things... This was a gym day with my partner in crime here. 
We went to a comedy show and dinner with friends a couple weekends ago. It was a really great time. Rory Albanese was hilarious. 
My Scarlett set up this display of milk, chocolate syrup and a spoon and asked me to take a picture of it with her....she doesn't take after her mother or anything. ;)

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